The Firm: Our Services
LeGrant Law Firm litigates civil actions on behalf of individuals; represents individuals in administrative proceedings before the Iowa Civil Rights Commission and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; reviews, negotiates, and drafts severance agreements, employment contracts, and other employment-related documents; and advises individuals on a wide array of employment law issues. We routinely handle matters involving Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Iowa Civil Rights Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Iowa Wage Collection Act, and Employee Retirement Income Security Act. For example, our expertise includes claims of:
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Retaliation
- Wrongful discharge
- Failure to pay wages and/or overtime pay
- Violations of the Family Medical Leave Act
- Violations of Iowa's workplace drug testing law
In addition, we routinely review and negotiate severance agreements and other employment-related documents and contracts. Our practice also includes pursuing unemployment insurance benefits at all levels (fact-finding interviews, appeal to administrative law judge, appeal to the unemployment appeal board, and even judicial review in district court).
Generally, we handle such matters on either a contingency or hourly basis. Please see our FAQs section for more information or contact our firm with a specific inquiry.